Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hey everyone! Things kinda changed for me recently. The whole "fiance" thing didn't work out, so I moved out for a while and got me a real job as a real bench jeweler. Or, at least they are training me to be one. It is a very high end shop in the area and they are great people. So I work 5-6 days a week there...thus, I am not getting much of my OWN jewelry done. And I guess I get to be a weekend farmer.

Now, the farm. We got the farm by buying through my mother (she applied to the banks) and we paid the mortgage. The ex is being kind enough to move out peaceably by the end of the month (this whole thing has been stretching on for a few months, mind you). I, personally, am ready as all hell to be back on the farm. LAMBS!!! I SHOULD HAVE LAMBS SOON!
East Friesian X Jacob....what will it look like?
I have this dream of creating an Oregon milk sheep by crossing the highly productive East Friesian breed with the hardy, old, goat-like Jacob breed. This will take many, many years and alot more land and alot more sheep. This will be my first generation and I am very curious what physical traits will come out: Ash's black wool is a recessive gene: will her babies come out white? Spotted? Will they come out with horns or no horns (I personally like horns because I feel like it gives them a leg up in chasing coyotes)? I believe the polled trait tends to be stronger, but Ash looks like she nearly has horn buds.

We'll see what happens, but my goal is to create a breed that produce sheep more productive milk wise with less health problems. As the average conventional sheep produces 100-200 lbs of milk vs East Friesian which produces 900-1,100 lbs of milk in a lactation. Big difference, eh? If I could breed a hardy breed that produces 700 lbs a lactation I'd be very happy. Interestingly, I am discovering this is not a NEW idea...lots of places use crossed Friesians...but I am looking to make an actual breed. We'll see how it goes in about 25 years. (I'm sure in 25 years I'll be laughing at my naivety....or rolling in dough from my brilliant idea! hahaha!)

It will be an interesting experiment. Now my other Jacobs are still stranded at another farm. Luckily, being Jacobs, they don't typically have birthing problems. So all those pure breeds are on their own for now. Not ideal, but it is what it is. Wish I could have all of them at my farm as I want as many babies as possible...but I guess I just have to settle with what Ash gives me.

Looks like our pig didn't breed. She had 3 months with Mr.Pig. I assume she is broken somehow. :( Very sad, I gave her a little extra time to walk this earth because her teats looked funny....but while they are going every which way if she doesn't drop some babies in the next week she's done for. Oh well. She guarded my sheep well so I don't regret having her stick around for an extra while.

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